Friday, April 25, 2008

"You should've gotten a job"

Last summer things seemed out of control, with a half dozen University of Texas Longhorn football players arrested for alleged criminal activities. One of them, Andre Jones, from El Paso, was given a full scholarship to the university. The defensive tackle turned himself in after an arrest warrant was issued for a felony aggravated robbery charge. Jones maintains that it was a case of mistaken identity and that he is innocent of all charges. Nevertheless, Coach Mack Brown suspended Jones indefinitely pending the outcome. Meanwhile, Jones continues to take classes at the university.

So, many of you are thinking, "This is old news." Yes, it is...but I just want to give a shout out to Judge Brenda Kennedy of Travis County's 403rd Criminal District Court. Judge Kennedy heard testimony from Jones last week maintaining his innocence and asking for the State to pay for an investigation that he believes would prove his innocence. Click here to see the news clip from April 15th on KVUE. Judge Kennedy denied the motion, stating, "[He] should've gotten a job." The Judge went on to say, "You're going to have to work to get some things in life."

Kudos to Kennedy! I couldn't have said it any better; the man has had nine months to think about his actions and his future. Wouldn't earning money to pay for a defense (or an investigation) be on your list of priorities? Thank you, Judge Kennedy, for your reasoned response to, and dope slap/reality check for Jones; that's what I call justice for all.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Academic Freedom

This posting is in response to a classmate’s blog regarding the impending adoption of Bible course curriculum standards in Texas. The original posting by KCARR can be viewed at: Texas and Beyond.

I would like to address the question you ask in the last paragraph of your latest post, which is, " it possible for the teacher who teaches the (Bible) course to not allow their personal beliefs to influence what or how they are teaching the students?" As a future teacher, the answer is a resounding-no; I firmly believe that it is not ever really possible to separate your personal ideologies from how you teach. The only way that such an approach is possible is to take humanism out of the picture, and say, have the course content online. (Even then, though, the curriculum is subject to the scrutiny of what is selected to be taught and how questions are worded.)

I give you two examples to support my claim: First, I recently had the pleasure of observing a class of four and five year old children at the Asian American Cultural Center. While the focus of the school is to bring together East and West, there is absolutely no mention of religion with regard to the Early Childhood program. However, very focused observations revealed several subtle expressions of the ancient Chinese philosophies, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. The teacher (a PhD) never explicitly said, "Okay, class, today we're going to learn Confucianism." Rather, the culture of the school itself and the beliefs of the instructor were evident in the teaching style. Secondly, a few years back I took U.S. Government at ACC & it was taught by a feminist, liberal, Democrat. Need I say more? However, despite our differing ideologies the class was not only informative but enjoyable and challenging as well.

Your article failed to mention that the 2009 Texas Bible course will focus on the Bible's impact on history and literature, not at all "religious" in nature. After all, the works of Shakespeare have more than 1,000 biblical references, and even the U.S. Supreme Court has said that the Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities

Additionally, I would like to point out that the State Board of Education is not counting on "[rolling] it out to the students", as you say, rather, they are leaving it up to the local school districts. Districts that have board members we elect & meetings that are open to the public. If one was really concerned, there is plenty of action that can be taken to make your voice heard.

Lastly, regarding possible legal suits for such a public school course offering in Texas let's not forget that it is an elective, as in the only students taking them will be those who choose to.